1 Year Old Cheese Burger & Fries

Oliver Eehn headshot
Oliver Eehn
Writer, Coach & Trainer
Another season has begun and here we are in the last quarter of the year. Well, it was one year ago that I posted a Vlog on the carnage of fast food and why you should avoid it. Hard to believe a whole year has already gone by, but here we are.
Discarded fast food wrapper

Many of you have heard of this experiment being conducted by others, so for those of you who have known me over the years, you can say that you’ve observed this for yourself with me.

By now, most of us know that fast food is not the best choice when eating out. I understand that we get caught off guard as we go about our day, then before we know it, it’s lunchtime. What do we do? While fast food is convenient and easy, planning ahead is key. Think about it. We fill our calendars and planners with our day to day appointments and activities, yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody write, “LUNCH” in their planners. For many of you, you simply assume it’s just a regular part of your day. But like exercise you need to PLAN for lunch. Give it a try! Take out your planner and go to tomorrow’s schedule and write, “LUNCH” in the time slot when you take lunch. When you SEE it written in there, don’t you think you might give it a little more attention and thought for how you will spend that time? Well, like I said, try it and tell me how it does for you.

So, getting back to our cheeseburger, let’s take a closer look at what our “lunch” looks like one year later. Will it be covered in mold and decomposed? As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Click on the video link and see for yourself. So till next time, you be good to yourself and live each day to the fullest!

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you except no excuses; only results.
– Kenneth Blanchard
About the Author:
In a business that experiences a great deal of annual turnover, Oliver has remained steadfast through it all with over 20 years in business. Being fed up with all the deception and dishonesty that occurs in the Health/Fitness industry, Oliver set out to offer a no-nonsense approach to sensible wellness without all the hype and false promises that continue to abound. Oliver is a world class personal trainer specializing in custom fitness and workout programs for individuals and small groups. If you want to improve your overall health, lose weight, get into better shape, and look and feel better, contact Oliver today!
Oliver Eehn headshot
Oliver Eehn
Writer, Coach & Trainer


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