5 Delicious Pre-Workout Snack Ideas
Here are some delicious and healthy snack ideas, from Registered Dietician Natalie Green, that will help keep you energized throughout your workout. Have one of these snacks 1 hour before working out.
Welcome to our blog of health & fitness tips and suggestions for better wellness and a healthy lifestyle, meant to keep you in better shape.
Here are some delicious and healthy snack ideas, from Registered Dietician Natalie Green, that will help keep you energized throughout your workout. Have one of these snacks 1 hour before working out.
I often get asked, “What is the best kind of exercise equipment?” Years ago the answer to that was simple. I’d simply reply, “The one you use the most!” Today, the retail fitness landscape has changed quite a bit and we are now offered a smorgasbord of choices when it comes to exercise contraptions.
How often have you thought about performing a task and it seems that just thinking about it takes more energy than actually performing the task itself? You know what I mean! You’re thinking, “I gotta clean house”…”I gotta clean house”. Then when you actually get around to doing it, you discover that it wasn’t so bad after all.
By now, many of you may have fallen off your resolution bandwagon and reverted back to your old habits. Throughout the playoffs and the Super Bowl I know many of you were planted on the couch with your pizza, popcorn and beer… AGAIN! Well, before you start sprouting roots, how about getting into action?