
Welcome to our blog of health & fitness tips and suggestions for better wellness and a healthy lifestyle, meant to keep you in better shape.

new years eve fireworks in a dark blue sky

7 Tips To Form Good Health Habits In The New Year

At the beginning the New Year many of you made resolutions. So, how are you doing with yours? Well, I know all too well how this works. If you’re doing great with yours, then you probably don’t need to read this. However, if you’ve fallen off that horse already, then read on. You’ll find some good advice here.

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greasy fast food burger fries and soda

Mid-Year Resolution

Hello friends! Hope you all had a great Independence Day. Speaking of which, I agree with my fellow Fit Pro friend who emphatically says we should start calling it “Independence Day” again instead of the “4th”. I agree! After all, we need to be reminded that of all that makes us the greatest country in the world. Sure, we may be in the midst of political unrest like we haven’t experienced for a while. But I believe America is still the greatest country in the world! I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!

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toast with a cooked egg, spinach and seasoning

No More Food Pyramid?

Growing up in the 70’s I was taught “The Four Food Groups” at a cooking class in Junior High school. Yes, lots of boys took that class back in those days. Since 1916, the US Department of Agriculture has periodically issued food guides. After several revisions, in 1956 the USDA recommended its Basic Four Food Groups in its Leaflet, Food For Fitness.

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