Mid-Year Resolution

Oliver Eehn headshot
Oliver Eehn
Writer, Coach & Trainer
Hello friends! Hope you all had a great Independence Day. Speaking of which, I agree with my fellow Fit Pro friend who emphatically says we should start calling it “Independence Day” again instead of the “4th”. I agree! After all, we need to be reminded that of all that makes us the greatest country in the world. Sure, we may be in the midst of political unrest like we haven’t experienced for a while. But I believe America is still the greatest country in the world! I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!
greasy fast food burger fries and soda

Anyhow, getting back to fitness topics…Should we charge a “fat” tax? If you’re fat, you pay a tax. Well, it’s not quite that straightforward. A fat tax is a tax or surcharge that is placed upon fattening foods, beverages or individuals. A fat tax aims to decrease the consumption of foods that are linked to obesity.

While I can certainly understand the concern with this, do we really want government involved in this? The  way I see it if people don’t make it a priority to live and eat healthy, government regulations will do little or nothing to help the problem. For years, we (the private sector AND government) have done just about everything imaginable to encourage the public toward healthier lifestyles. Today, we are facing the greatest healthcare crisis in history. I believe my solution would be the easiest; DRINK 8-10 GLASSES OF WATER AND EAT 5-7 SERVINGS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY DAY!!! If every American, man, woman and child, just did this, I believe we could virtually eliminate our healthcare crisis. Why is that so difficult? Well, people are people. They’ve formed bad habits, can’t break old habits, don’t want change, and on it goes. They know what they SHOULD do. But won’t.

The bottom line is; NO!!! I don’t believe we should implement a “Fat Tax”. Encouraging healthy living should be left to the Fitness Professionals, Nutritionists, along with Llifestyle Coaches. In other words, let’s leave this to the private sector. Agree?

Can you believe half the year is already gone? So we once again raise the question, “How did you do on your New Year’s Resolution?” Well, we don’t need to rehash all this again. But if you’re one of the many who fell off the bandwagon, just get back on! If you need to begin the process all over again, then that’s where you begin. Need a little reminder? Look over your schedule, choose two or three days out of the week where you will commit to exercising for at least 30 minutes, hire a Trainer if necessary, then have at it! And remember, “Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life!”

Check out my parody of “Friends In Low Places” as “Pounds In Low Places” dedicated to all my friends who just can’t seem to get it together with exercise and diet. But all hope is NOT lost! friends out there. Click here to watch the video!

About the Author:
In a business that experiences a great deal of annual turnover, Oliver has remained steadfast through it all with over 20 years in business. Being fed up with all the deception and dishonesty that occurs in the Health/Fitness industry, Oliver set out to offer a no-nonsense approach to sensible wellness without all the hype and false promises that continue to abound. Oliver is a world class personal trainer specializing in custom fitness and workout programs for individuals and small groups. If you want to improve your overall health, lose weight, get into better shape, and look and feel better, contact Oliver today!
Oliver Eehn headshot
Oliver Eehn
Writer, Coach & Trainer


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