Not only did Jack and I share the same passion for Health & Fitness, but he and I happen to share the same birthday, though he was 50 years older. Jack LaLanne was considered to be “The Father of Fitness”, as Fitness professionals such as myself would credit him with much of what we know today. Long before technological advances were able to prove the benefits of exercise, Jack spent many of his years proving the naysayers wrong with much of the misconceptions and “old wives’ tales” that were prevalent in those days. And what better proof than to outlive all of them, being a perfect picture of health up till his death. For me to try to describe the icon of such a great man would be an injustice. So I’ll leave that to those who can better piece the years of Jack’s life together. For starters, you can go to the link below. As for my tribute to Jack, all I can say is, “Thank you, Jack LaLanne, for helping me become who I am today!”

7 Tips To Form Good Health Habits In The New Year
At the beginning the New Year many of you made resolutions. So, how are you doing with yours? Well, I know all too well how this works. If you’re doing great with yours, then you probably don’t need to read this. However, if you’ve fallen off that horse already, then read on. You’ll find some good advice here.