
Welcome to our blog of health & fitness tips and suggestions for better wellness and a healthy lifestyle, meant to keep you in better shape.

Fitness class with resistance bands

Get Moving Before You Grow Roots

By now, many of you may have fallen off your resolution bandwagon and reverted back to your old habits. Throughout the playoffs and the Super Bowl I know many of you were planted on the couch with your pizza, popcorn and beer… AGAIN! Well, before you start sprouting roots, how about getting into action?

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teens doing pushups

Push For Life

On October 1st, Optimum Fitness Systems, along with Colorado Crimson Group, hosted the first Push For Life charity event, where the public was invited to come out and do push ups for a good cause. This event was put together on behalf of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and all those who are affected by that terrible disease.

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